Saturday, 14 September 2013

Good Things about Apartheid South Africa - INTRODUCTION -

While idly browsing the net I came across a question asked in a Q&A forum.  The question went something like, "What was good about Apartheid South Africa?"  I think there were three or so answers, and none really answered the the question.  Every honest question does deserve an answer,  and this blog is an attempt to answer this one. 

Apartheid was an oppressive system and denied the freedom of many.  It legislated segregation with laws that controlled where people could live, study, work, and who they could associate with.  By the 1970s and 1980s some of these laws were either repealed or simply not enforced, but the system did attract maniacs.   Censorship, human rights abuse and violence was widespread, and the people's perception of what was "acceptable" was twisted.  It was racist, it was evil in many ways, and lots have been written about the violence and and the chaos of the times.  Systems, times and politics are always complicated, seldom more so than in Africa.  However, there is some good in everything.

If you are looking for a balanced study or commentary on Apartheid, then look elsewhere.  This is also not about the views of either the rich or the starving, and is limited to that growing spectrum of people in the middle. 

This is about the good things in the "old" South Africa, based on discussions and conversations I have either overheard or participated in.  They are the opinions and observations of mostly working South Africans across all race groups, often shared around an open fire with a beer in the hand and, at times, a tear in the eye. 

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